Friends of NerdBurger Games
We love connecting with other people who do cool stuff in the gaming realm. Here are some of the friends of NerdBurger Games. Check ’em out!
The Indie Game Developer Network
Craig joined the IGDN early in 2017 and has reaped its rewards in many ways. They helped him get his games on the shelves at GenCon and other game conventions. They’ve provided support and advice to his endeavors.
The IDGN is a spectacular organization, filled with awesome people, focused on bringing the best indie games to the gaming masses. Check ’em out!
In early 2019, Craig was elected Secretary of the IGDN. He’s excited to help the grow the IGDN and make it even bigger and better than it currently is.
NerdBurger Show Podcast
Craig co-hosts the NerdBurger Podcast, a weekly one-hour show covering all manner of nerdy, geeky pursuits with a healthy dose of humor slathered on top. New episodes go up every Wednesday. This podcast has been going on longer than Craig can reliably remember. Spread the nerd!
Don’t Split the Podcast Network
DSPN is filled to brimming with game-oriented podcasty goodness. Craig occasionally pops in to talk gaming on Table Top Babble or run a game on DSPN Presents. Also, check out co-owner James’ World Builder Blog.
Shoreless Skies Publishing
Shoreless Skies is the imprint of Derek Kamal. He’s created an RPG called The Dig. He’s also written a novel called Homes, which is set in the world of The Dig. He’s always writing and designing games.
Derek recently completed a successful Kickstarter for his newest game, Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse. It’s a Fate-based game of mice and their motorcycle clubs. Derek has recently sent the game out to Kickstarter backers. Craig designed an alternate setting for HMTM called Rock ‘n’ Roll Sock Hop Mouse.
Altered Confusion
The guys at Altered Confusion talk and write about all things video game-oriented. They host a Thursday Night Hangout every Thursday starting at about 8pm Eastern time. This is done via Twitch, so it’s real time and there’s a chat board where you can interact with them in real time. They’re also big supporters of NerdBurger Games.
Murders & Acquisitions 2-Hour Live Play Recording!
At AndoCon 2016, Craig ran a special, 2-hour Murders & Acquisitions event with some friends who love M&A. The folks at Altered Confusion streamed it live and put it up for viewing on YouTube. The event uses the rules for M&A, but with a thematic element that we’re sure you’ll enjoy. Check out the YouTube link!
Despite the last-minute audio/video setup, it looks and sounds very good. Well done, Charlie from Altered Confusion.
AndoCon is an annual gaming convention in the Atlanta area. The organizers have been very supportive of NerdBurger Games.
Craig attends AndoCon every year, running demos, recording an episode of the NerdBurger Podcast, and hanging out to discuss all things geeky.