RPG Designers Talk GMing and Game Design

RPG R&D Episode 144 – Liana MacKenzie

RPG R&D Episode 144 – Liana MacKenzie Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Liana MacKenzie discuss GMing and designing games that address social issues.

RPG R&D Episode 142 – Sarah

RPG R&D Episode 142 – Sarah Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Sarah discuss recovering from a TPK (total party kill).

RPG R&D Episode 141 – Pete Petrusha

RPG R&D Episode 141 – Pete Petrusha Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Pete Petrusha discuss ways to start planning a campaign as a GM and ways to start developing an RPG as a designer.

RPG R&D Episode 138 – Geoff Bottone

RPG R&D Episode 138 – Geoff Bottone Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Geoff Bottone discuss making travel interesting as a GM and designing travel to be interesting.

RPG R&D Episode 137 – Sean Jaffe

RPG R&D Episode 137 – Sean Jaffe Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Sean Jaffe discuss when to abandon a storyline as a GM and when to abandon a game mechanic as a designer.

RPG R&D Episode 135 – Sebastian Yue

Episode 135 Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Sebastian Yue discuss designing special abilities like spells, psionics, cybertech, superpowers, etc.

RPG R&D 134 – Evan Torner

Episode 134 Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Evan Torner discuss GMing and designing for criminals, troublemakers, thieves, and pranksters.

RPG R&D 133 – Joie Martin

Episode 133 Craig Campbell, Jess Geyer, and Joie Martin discuss pre-casting characters as a GM and designing games with pre-set characters.

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